Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eyelash Extensions - Everything You Need to Know


From Kim Kardashian to Gwen Stefani, eyelash extensions are all the rage in Hollywood. But you don’t need to be a celebrity (or have the income of one) to get this sultry look anymore.

If you’re anything like me, you don’t leave the house without mascara. My lashes are fine, fair and barely there. As an active girl, mascara isn’t always the best option. When you hop from work to hot yoga, there’s rarely time in between to wash off that make-up.

Eyelash extensions are convenient, low-maintenance, and refills are roughly the same price as getting a bikini wax. But as they become more available to us commoners there are a few things you should know before glamming it up. I asked my lash-go-to girl Linh Nguyen from Beyond Beauty in Toronto to give us the 411 on what to look out for.

The Scoop
The lash extensions are applied individually with an adhesive by a professionally trained esthetician to your natural lash. Linh suggests applying at least 50 single lashes per eye. They come in various materials such as mink, silk, human hair or synthetic materials such as polyester and are available in different lengths, thicknesses, colours and styles. For the drama queen in you, get them with glitter, feathers or even rhinestones!

Your eyelashes grow and shed just like the hair on your head does so they will naturally fall out over time. They usually last six to eight weeks depending on how fast your hair grows and you typically need refills every four to six weeks to maintain the look.

Linh uses mink or synthetic lashes charging between $60 and $150 for a full set and starting at $30 for refills depending on the style and length of the lash. Some salons use human hair or silk extensions which can run anywhere from $150 - $500 for a full set.

Single vs. Cluster
Cluster lashes combine anywhere from three to six lashes on one extension. They look a little less natural because more glue is needed for the larger lash, making the glue visible. Also, because they are clumped together, when the lash falls out you end up creating a gap in your eyelashes. An esthetician may offer these because they're cheaper and take less time to apply. For a more natural look and flawless transition between refills single lashes are best.

The Sticky Stuff
The glue dries soft to create a flexible lash. Linh warns that the adhesive used should be SGS-approved, a standard in safety certification that ensures there are no harmful ingredients commonly used in cosmetic products such as formaldehyde. The glue only needs a few minutes to dry and after 24 hours it’s fully set (avoid water in the eye area during this time).

Does it hurt?
Not at all. Typically the application is done while lying down, eyes closed on a spa bed with cool aloe pads to cover your lower lashes, much like resting cucumber slices over your eyes. These pads also protect your lower lashes from the glue and are very refreshing. It can be so relaxing that I’ve been known to fall asleep during the process! It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete the application depending on the experience of the esthetician, how many lashes are being applied and whether you are getting a full set or a refill.

Before and After

Lasting Lashes and other Do's and Don'ts

1. First time? They take some getting used to. Rub your eyes in the morning? I wouldn’t suggest it. It won't tear them out but you'll make them messy and pull at them.

2. Water: Avoid water to the eye area for the first 24 hours. Feel free to dunk your head in a pool after that. The best part about them is heading to the cottage, beach or poolside and having long, luscious lashes without make-up on.

3. Washing your face: Linh says to use water-based products for your make-up remover or face cleanser. Oil-based products may damage or remove the extensions encouraging more frequent refills. I use a Q-Tip to clean the area around my eyes to limit contact with any potentially damaging products.

4. Using a sealant or coating: Use a coating or sealer specially made for lash extensions. It is optional but it helps limit your refill frequency by protecting the adhesive.

5. Brushing: Doing this daily prevents them from looking messy - just like your hair! Your esthetician should give you a clean unused mascara wand and just curl and brush like you would apply mascara.

Original article

Vibrance Wellness Spa 851 Anders Road West Kelowna, B.C. V1Z 1K2 Tel: (250) 769 - 1985  http://www.vibrancewellnessspa.com

Friday, April 8, 2011

Prevent Osteoporosis

Just came across this article on osteoporosis. Another great thing you can do to increase bone density is Whole Body Vibration! Studies have shown that use of whole body vibration can increase your bone density up to 30%.

Prevent Osteoporosis Preventing Osteoporosis By William Reville

It is very important to have strong bones. Unfortunately from about age 30 onwards everyone starts to lose substance from their bones and this can eventually develop into osteoporosis, when the bones become fragile and more likely to break. The disease is common in elderly people. Women are four times more likely than men to develop the condition and about 30 per cent of women over 50 develop osteoporosis. There is no cure but the disease can be treated and can also be prevented by taking simple steps. If osteoporosis is not prevented or treated it can progress painlessly until a bone breaks, typically in the hip, spine or wrist with hip fractures usually requiring major surgery. On average, 24 per cent of hip fracture patients aged 50 and over die in the year following the fracture. Factors that increase the likelihood of developing osteoporosis include being a female, having a thin frame, advanced age, family history, being post-menopausal, abnormal absence of menstrual periods, anorexia nervosa or bulimia, low-calcium diet, certain medications such as anti-convulsants or corticosteroids, inactive lifestyle, low male testosterone levels, excessive alcohol intake, smoking and being Caucasian or Asian. Our bones act like scaffolding, providing structural support for muscles, protecting vital organs and storing the calcium which is essential for bone density and strength. Bone is a complex tissue and undergoes constant turnover involving the build-up and breakdown of tissue. Bones are constantly changing, they heal after injury and are affected by diet and exercise. Until the age of about 30 you build bone faster than you break it down, but during the later ageing process your bones break down faster than new bone is formed. The critical years for building bone are from pre-adolescence to about age 30. The more bone you have "in the bank" at that stage the less likely you are to develop osteoporosis later. Women are more likely than men to develop osteoporosis because, on average, their bones are smaller and less dense than mens' bones. Also, bone loss accelerates after the menopause when the ovaries stop producing the female sex hormone that protects against bone loss. To determine if you have osteoporosis, or may be at risk of developing the condition, your family doctor will ask questions about your lifestyle and medical history, e.g. has anyone in your family suffered from osteoporosis or fractured bones. Based on this assessment you may be referred for a bone mass measurement. This painless, non-invasive and safe test is the only way to tell for sure if you have osteoporosis. The good news is that osteoporosis is largely preventable by taking four steps. No single step alone prevents the disease. The steps are: (a) eat a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D; (b) do weight-bearing exercises; (c) adopt a healthy lifestyle with no smoking or excessive use of alcohol; (d) test bone density and take special medications when appropriate. Inadequate calcium intake contributes to the development of osteoporosis, and many girls and women consume less calcium than recommended to maintain healthy bones. Depending on age, an appropriate calcium intake is between 1,000 and 1,300 mg a day. You can increase dietary calcium by eating calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, broccoli, etc. Vitamin D is necessary for the body to absorb calcium from food in the intestine. Apart from building bone, your body needs calcium for other purposes such as allowing the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly. If you are not absorbing enough calcium from food your body takes the calcium it needs from your bones. Vitamin D comes from two sources: it is made in the skin when exposed to sunlight, and it is obtained from the diet. As we age the ability to make vitamin D in the skin decreases. It is recommended that we take 400 to 800 international units of vitamin D daily. Major food sources of vitamin D are fortified dairy products, egg yolks, saltwater fish and liver. Unlike mechanical machines that wear out with use, our bodies get stronger the more (within reason) they are used. Bones become stronger and denser when demands are made on them and conversely, lack of exercise particularly as you get old may contribute to lower bone density. Two types of exercise are important for building bone density - weight-bearing and resistance exercises. In weight-bearing exercise your muscles and bones work against gravity, e.g. jogging, walking, climbing stairs and football. Resistance exercises are weight-lifting exercises. Many daily activities and most sports involve both types of exercise. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has proved useful for the prevention and management of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. Some women experience side-effects and the HRT approach should be carefully discussed with a medical specialist. William Reville is a Senior Lecturer in Bio-chemistry and Director of Microscopy at UCC.

Ideal Protein Weight Loss & Vibrance Laser Skin Care Centre 851 Anders Road West Kelowna, BC 250-769-1985 http://www.vipweightloss.ca/

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Proellixe Whole Body Vibration for Cellulite?

Interested in getting rid of cellulite?  Here's an article you might be interested in:

Proellixe for Cellulite Reduction. How this machine can help

Ever heard of someone trying out Proellixe for cellulite reduction? Curious about their results? Are you tired of being overweight and out of shape? Do you have limited range of motion and stiff muscles? Do you have limitation restrictions that hinder you from engaging in vigorous physical activities?

The Proellixe machine is just what you have been looking for and it is now available for purchase to the public. Proellixe for cellulite reduction is just one other advantage of this therapy which centers around vibration technology.

First developed in the USSR by Russian scientists for the cosmonauts to use, the Proellixe machine was developed to utilize the muscles of the whole body and involves gentle stretching motions achieved through a machine that releases small vibration impulses throughout the entire body. It was found that using this machine for 10 minutes per day is equivalent to one-hour of heavy weight lifting. All this can be done in your bare feet right in the comfort of your own home, what is any better than that.

Major athletes, NASA astronauts, ballet dancers and various others have experience this Proellixe machine technology for years and it works. It allows for gentle resistance exercises and this involved inducing involuntary muscle contractions which causes the muscle to increase in size and an increase in bone density. This has been proven in several scientific studies done all over the world.

Proellixe for cellulite reduction is another important advantage to using a Proellixe machine. This machine not only fights cellulite, it works to reduce the appearance of cellulite all over the body. Nobody likes having cellulite so this machine is sure to be a real eye-opener to consumers, men and women alike.

You cannot get rid of cellulite by simple diet and exercise, cellulite occurs because of a combination of genetics, body shape and weight, skin elasticity, and dietary habits. If you eat a lot of junk food, never exercise, have no tone to your body, and don’t drink enough water, then chances are at some point you will, like countless others, experience cellulite in your lifetime. There are no magic pills, no juices, vitamins or exercise that will specifically target and eliminate cellulite; however, using a Proellixe machine may combat cellulite by increasing circulation in the body.

With new and improved technology available every day and no sure fire cure for toning and shaping the body, why not trust technology that has been around for over 40 years and is being used by NASA? It is a sad thing to think about how society dictates body image to many women today; it gives them a distorted view of how they should look and what their body should look like. By improving your appearance through diet and behavior modification, why not go a step further and give something new a try. When used in conjunction with diet and other positive self-image practices, this machine may be just the thing you need to change your whole life.

Thanks to the amazing science of vibration therapy you may be able to literally transform your appearance in just minutes per day. This not an extreme treatment, it is a natural way to tone and shape your muscles, Proellixe for cellulite reduction is something that can benefit anyone. Before beginning any program, please consult a physician for your own health and safety.

Vibrance Wellness Spa 851 Anders Road West Kelowna, B.C. Tel: (250) 769-1985  http://www.vibrancewellnessspa.com

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Killer At Large Teaser Trailer

Vibrance Wellness Spa 851 Anders Road West Kelowna, B.C. Tel: (250) 769-1985 http://www.vibrancewellnessspa.com

Kelowna Spa