Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Radiofrequency Skin Lifting - Vibrance Spa West Kelowna

Radiofrequency Skin Lifting

Radiofrequency lifting is an easy way to turn back the clock on aging skin, a new word in the field of ілшт renewal, an innovating method of skin tightening by means of wave radiation. Radiofrequency lifting, RF lifting or Thermage - these words are synonyms and refer to one thing - non-invasive (non-surgical) procedure that helps tighten and contour your skin by radiofrequency energy. This method is based on the heating effects of high-frequency electromagnetic waves. This unique technology is used to safely heat the deep layers of the skin. The manipulation is carried out by grounding pads that are applied to the skin.

As a result of electromagnetic waves and heat action, the blood circulation and lymph drainage in the treated site are enhanced, physiological mechanisms of skin renewal become more intense, the procedure stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin. Over time, sagging or wrinkled skin is replaced with smoother, tighter skin, deep lines decrease, tone and texture of the skin improve.

Thermage can be carried out at any skin area: face, neckline, cleavage, tummy, hips. It provides tightening of wrinkled, creepy skin on the tummy, knees, arms, legs, hands or buttocks, getting away with sagging skin or unwanted bulges after pregnancy or weight loss, frees of cellulite. After the procedure, there are visible signs of skin rejuvenation.

Benefits of radiofrequency lifting procedures

Due to implementation of this innovative method, surgical lifting became insignificant. Non-operative method of radiofrequency lifting has a number of advantages compared to other anti-age procedures.

First, it is painless. In cosmetic surgery, sagging skin is simply cut off, the patient is narcotized. During radiofrequency lifting procedure, the skin and the whole body are kept intact and the effect is achieved due to physiological changes in collagen basis of tissues.

Second, it is secure, reliable and has little or no recovery period. You don't have to worry about any complications, healing process or visible cosmetic sutures. After thermage procedure, skin requires no recovery time, so patients can quickly resume normal activities. You have a chance to take this procedure just during lunchtime, without canceling your plans.

Third, it has no contraindications or limitations. Surgery is often impossible due a number of reasons (different diseases and morbid states, individual peculiarities of the patient, intolerance of any medications). Radiofrequency lifting method has no contraindications and age limitations. Excellent results were obtained in radiolifting test for senior age group (65 and older). A few things that prevent performing thermage may include pregnancy, presence of wounds in the application area, herpes flare up, or presence of heart pacemaker.

Men can profit from radiofrequency lifting as well as women.

Finally, it has a long-term effect. A course of thermage procedures can relieve you of all skin aging problems with within 1.5-2 years, in some cases the effect lasts for 5 years. Women who received thermage procedures have natural young look, there is no effect of mechanically strained skin, facial features are unchanged, and eye shape is preserved. Due to temperature effect, skin «shrinks» as a natural cloth in hot water, it looks younger, physiological processes are activated, and regeneration is accelerated.

Radiofrequency lifting is a revolutionary anti-age technique that may be combined with any other cosmetic procedures. It helps contour the skin in a single treatment (its effect is considerable because it activates skin rejuvenation processes). The best effect is achieved after 6 treatment sessions.

Thermage sessions are performed in special clinics and in beauty salons which are accordingly equipped. In most cases, the equipment of the American company Thermage is used for this technique. That's why the procedure is often called thermage.

Today, there are three types of equipment for thermage.

•Thermage - monopolar radiofrequency energy is used.
•Thermafine - bipolar radiation is applied (concentrated on the object treated and not going through the body).
•Thermaskin - the synergetic (mixed) action of bipolar radiowave radiation and phototherapy. Now it is the most advanced equipment used for anti-age therapy.
Anyone may try this treatment. The procedure is completely computer-managed and is performed with a special apparatus that eliminates so-called «human factor» aspect.

Vibrance Wellness Spa
102 - 3480 Carrington Road
West Kelowna, B.C.
V4T 3C1
Tel: (250) 768-1989
Fax: (250) 768-1909

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