Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ideal Protein Diet - Lose Weight without feeling hungry.

Here's an article I found about the Ideal Protein diet, enjoy.

The Ideal Protein Diet - Lose weight fast without feeling hungry....really.

So I've tried almost all of the diets out there, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutri System, Atkins, etc. Each time I had success, but it was difficult to stick it out for the long haul, and never really achieved my desired weight.

So recently, my doctor started offering the Ideal Protein Diet through her clinic. After attending the orientation I gave it a try. Now after three weeks, I'm down 15 pounds, haven't been hungry (after the first couple of days), haven't had cravings nor do I feel weak. So how does it work? This diet was introduced in the US in February of 2008, but has been available in Canada for 10 years and in Europe for 20 years. It was developed by a French doctor, Dr Tran Tien, Chanh, initially intended for French Olympic athletes, allowing them to drop weight quickly without decreasing muscle mass or athletic performance.

The Ideal Protein Diet is offered through doctors or clinics, where you will be monitored weekly. The food you eat consists mainly of protein diet products offered by the company through your doctor. These products consist of shakes, drinks, soups, puddings, protein bars, and other items such as chili, stew, omelets, oatmeal, pancakes and more. On the diet you get two meals plus one snack per day of these protein products, along with salad and select vegetables, and one meal a day you fix on your own, consisting of a lean protein and vegetables.

You get all of the carbohydrates you need through the vegetables you eat each day, but not any more than you need. Therefore instead of burning carbohydrates and sugar, your body is burning fat. Since the body burns protein along with fat, you need to make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of protein to handle this without causing muscle loss. That's what their products provide, sufficient protein (not high protein) that your body easily absorbs.

Information Night:

Monday, February 28 at 5:00 pm
Sample foods – come out and taste test for yourself!
Location: Ideal Protein Weight Loss & Vibrance Laser Skin Care Centre
851 Anders Road West Kelowna, B.C.
Tel: (250) 769-1985


  1. Before stopping to the Ideal Protein Ajax program, I've tried many other diets, but all were quite hard for me.
    With this one, I've almost lost all of my extra pounds and it's not very hard to follow it.
    Now, I can't wait to reach mt goal of having a healthy body.

  2. Protein diet is an ideal diet for the muscles building, and muscles recovery.
    It is also very effective for the weight loss because it burns the excess body fat or turns it into muscles.
    You can say that it maintain the weight in shape of the muscles and not in shape of the fat.

    Maitland Personal Training


Kelowna Spa